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Middle School


Academics: Academics

Our Academics

Providence Christian School’s goal is to meet both the academic and spiritual needs of each child. Our focus is on academic excellence, while also disciplining and fostering a love for Jesus in the hearts and minds of our students. All core subjects will be taught from a Biblical worldview and meeting state standards. A formal pre-assessment and post-assessment will take place to provide both the teacher and families with concrete data regarding their child’s abilities and progress. Throughout the year, students will have multiple informal assessments done in order to gauge their understanding and make changes to their education plan, if necessary.


Providence Christian School will use BJU Press as its main source of curriculum, meanwhile using other resources to help supplement depending on the particular needs of each child. BJU is PCS’s primary curriculum due to the academic rigor and Biblical worldview that the curriculum provides. The upper grades (starting at 3rd grade) will use Excellence in Writing for their writing curriculum. All grade levels will use A Beka readers as a supplement reading curriculum. Our students will use BJU Press supplemented with Christian Kids Explore for their science curriculum. The students will also use The Gospel Project curriculum for Bible.


Each student is evaluated in each academic subject and works at their own pace. We teach with an individualized plan that meets each student where they are in each subject.


Academic Areas:

  • Bible

  • Math

  • English (Speaking, Listening, Grammar, Writing, Vocabulary, Spelling)

  • Reading

  • Science

  • Social Studies

  • Specials (Art, Music, Physical Education, Spanish, Technology)

Fifth Grade


  • Bob Jones (BJU Press)

  • Abeka

  • Excellence in Writing

  • Christian Kids Explore

  • The Gospel Project

  • Specials:

    • Music​

    • Art

    • Physical Education

    • Technology

    • Spanish

Bible ~ (Gospel Project)

  • Bible Truths

Math ~ Math 5 (BJU Press) 

  • Number Sense ~ including Roman Numerals, Decimals, and Positive and Negative numbers 

  • Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers 

  • Multiplication of Whole Numbers 

  • Division of 1- and 2-digit divisors 

  • Geometry: Lines, Angles, Perimeter, Area, Surface Area, and Volume 

  • Fractions 

  • Time & Customary Measurement 

  • Equations 

  • Addition and Subtraction of Fractions 

  • Multiplication & Division of Fractions 

  • Multiplication & Division of Decimals 

  • Metric Measurement 

  • Ratios, Proportions, and Percents 

  • Integers 

  • Data & Graphs 

Reading ~ Reading 5 – Pages in My Head (BJU Press) 

  • Word Recognition  

  • Vocabulary 

  • Comprehension 

  • Literature ~ variety of genres 

  • Study Skills 

  • Book Reports 

  • Fluency ~ silent and oral reading 

  • Composition 

Spelling ~ Spelling 5 (Abeka)

  •  Week Word Lists based on spelling patterns 

  • Generalizations ~ vowel and consonant patterns 

  • Word Study 

  • Proofreading 

  • Dictionary Skills 

  • Writing Application


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English ~ English 5 (BJU Press )

  • Parts of Speech 

  • Sentence Structure 

  • Conventions 

  • Usage 

  • Study & Reference Skills 

  • Listening & Speaking Skills  

Writing ~ Level A (Institute for Excellence in Writing)

  • Note Making & Outlines 

  • Writing from Notes 

  • Retelling Narrative Stories 

  • Summarizing a Reference 

  • Writing from Pictures 

  • Library Research Reports 

  • Creative Writing 

  • Essay Writing 

  • Critiques 

Science ~ Science 5 (BJU Press) 

  • Minerals & Rocks 

  • Fossils and Dinosaurs 

  • Matter 

  • Energy & Heat 

  • Weather & Biomes 

  • Interactions in an Ecosystem 

  • Changes in an Ecosystem 

  • Sound & Light 

  • Respiratory System 

  • Circulatory System 

Social Studies ~ Heritage Studies 5 (BJU Press)

  • America’s First People  

  • European Explorations and Settlement 

  • The Thirteen Colonies 

  • American Independence 

  • The Early National Period 

  • The Young Nation Grows 

  • The Civil War 

  • Reconstruction and the West 

  • The Gilded Age 

  • America’s Influence Spreads Abroad 

  • The First World War 

  • Roaring 20s and Depressing 30s 

  • Rulers with Iron Fists 

  • The Second World War 

  • Postwar America 

  • The Rise of the Counterculture 

  • A Time of Strength and Challenge 

  • Leader of the Free World 

  • A New Millennium 

  • Change Sweeps the Nation

Sixth Grade


  • Bob Jones (BJU Press)

  • Abeka

  • Excellence in Writing

  • Christian Kids Explore

  • The Gospel Project

  • Specials:

    • Music​

    • Art

    • Physical Education

    • Technology

    • Spanish

Bible ~ (Gospel Project)

  • Bible Truths

Math ~ Math 6 (BJU Press)

  • Add & Subtract – including whole numbers and decimals 

  • Multiply and Divide by a Whole Number 

  • Fraction Theory 

  • Add & Subtract Fractions 

  • Geometry: Plane Figure, Perimeter, Area, and Volume  

  • Multiply Fractions and Decimals 

  • Divide Fractions and Decimals 

  • Equations 

  • Ratios, Proportions, and Percents 

  • Measurement 

  • Statistics 

  • Probability 

  • Integers 

Reading ~ Reading 6 (BJU Press)

  • Word Recognition  

  • Vocabulary 

  • Comprehension 

  • Literature ~ variety of genres 

  • Study Skills 

  • Book Reports 

  • Fluency ~ silent and oral reading 

  • Composition 

Spelling ~ Spelling 6 (A Beka)

  • Week Word Lists based on spelling patterns 

  • Generalizations ~ vowel and consonant patterns 

  • Word Study 

  • Proofreading 

  • Dictionary Skills 

  • Writing Application


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English ~ English 6 (BJU Press)

  • Parts of Speech 

  • Sentence Structure 

  • Conventions 

  • Usage 

  • Study & Reference Skills 

  • Listening & Speaking Skills  

Writing ~ Level B (Institute for Excellence in Writing)

  • Note Making & Outlines 

  • Writing from Notes 

  • Retelling Narrative Stories 

  • Summarizing a Reference 

  • Writing from Pictures 

  • Library Research Reports 

  • Creative Writing 

  • Essay Writing 

  • Critiques 

Science ~ Science 6 (BJU Press)

  • Earthquakes & Volcanoes 

  • Weathering & Erosion 

  • Natural Resources 

  • Cells & Classification 

  • Animal Classification 

  • Plant Classification 

  • Atoms & Molecules 

  • Electricity and Magnetism 

  • Motion & Machines 

  • Stars & Solar System 

  • Plant and Animal Reproduction 

  • Heredity & Genetics 

  • Nervous System 

  • Immune System 

Social Studies ~ Ancient Civilizations (BJU Press)

  • In the Beginning 

  • Mesopotamia 

  • Ancient Egypt 

  • Ancient Israel 

  • Ancient India 

  • Ancient China 

  • Ancient Persia 

  • Ancient Greece 

  • Ancient Rome 

  • The Byzantine Empire 

  • Mesoamerica 

  • Ancient Africa 

  • Ancient Japan 

  • The Middle Ages in Europe 

  • A Kingdom from Shore to Shore

Seventh Grade


  • Bob Jones (BJU Press)

  • Abeka

  • Excellence in Writing

  • Christian Kids Explore

  • The Gospel Project

  • Specials:

    • Music​

    • Art

    • Physical Education

    • Technology

    • Spanish

Bible ~ (Gospel Project)

  • Bible Truths

Math ~ Fundamentals of Math (BJU Press)

  •  Whole Numbers 

  • Decimals 

  • Number Theory 

  • Fractions 

  • Forms of Rational Numbers 

  • Using Percents 

  • Measurement 

  • Geometry: Area, Volume 

  • Probability and Statistics 

  • Integers 

  • Algebra 

  • Relations and Functions 

  • Logic and Set Theory 

Literature ~ Explorations in Literature (BJU Press)

  • Themes: courage, nature and man, generosity, our land, humility, family 

  • Genres: fables, drama, poetry, hymns, Scripture, short story, biography, autobiographical accounts, historical essays, essays 

  • Multicultural​

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Writing ~ Level B (Institute for Excellence in Writing)

  • Note Making & Outlines 

  • Writing from Notes 

  • Retelling Narrative Stories 

  • Summarizing a Reference 

  • Writing from Pictures 

  • Library Research Reports 

  • Creative Writing 

  • Essay Writing 

  • Critiques

Grammar ~ Writing & Grammar 7 (BJU Press)

  • Parts of Speech 

  • Sentence Structure 

  • Mechanics 

  • Usage 

Science ~ Life Science (BJU Press)

  • God’s Living World 

  • Cell Structure 

  • Information in the Cell 

  • Genetics 

  • Change in Nature 

  • Bacteria and Viruses 

  • Protists and Fungi 

  • The Plant Kingdom 

  • Plant Functions 

  • Animal Classifications 

  • Animal Structure & Function 

  • Animal Reproduction & Behavior 

  • The Human Body 

  • Interacting with the Biosphere 

Social Studies ~ World Studies (BJU Press)

  • Foundations 

  • Changes and Development in the Culture of the World 

  • Dominant Powers in Europe and Asia 

  • The Revolutionary Age 

  • The 20th Century and Beyond

Eighth Grade


  • Bob Jones (BJU Press)

  • Abeka

  • Excellence in Writing

  • Christian Kids Explore

  • The Gospel Project

  • Specials:

    • Music​

    • Art

    • Physical Education

    • Technology

    • Spanish

Bible ~ (Gospel Project)

  • Bible Truths

Math ~ Fundamentals of Math (BJU Press)


Literature ~ Explorations in Literature (BJU Press)


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Writing ~ Level B (Institute for Excellence in Writing)


Grammar ~ Writing & Grammar 7 (BJU Press)


Science ~ Life Science (BJU Press)


Social Studies ~ World Studies (BJU Press)


5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
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